速報APP / 工具 / Portable WiFi Hotspot : WiFi Tether

Portable WiFi Hotspot : WiFi Tether





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:House # 160 Iqbal town lahore

Portable WiFi Hotspot : WiFi Tether(圖1)-速報App

Turn on Portable hotspot, improve your mobile computing experience. This app is Simple and fast. Share your mobile's internet connection with any other WiFi enabled devices using portable wifi hotspot

You can change the SSID WiFi network name and secure your WiFi network with is working as a portable hotspot router. Wifi hotspot free for everyone, on off very easy, best app internet sharing.

This Portable WiFi Hotspot will allow you to turn on the portable hotspot feature on your Android smartphone with a single touch.

Share your internet with your other wireless devices. The application is a shortcut to your hotspot settings.

Phones, tablets and other wireless devices can receive WiFi GPGS/3G/4G On Mobile signal from this mobile hotspot application. Create Portable Wifi Hotspot

Portable WiFi Hotspot : WiFi Tether(圖2)-速報App

Free with light weight data storage can broadcast wifi, share wifi from your phone in the high speed, secure and simple way.

How to use?

- Enter SSID

- Enter Password for protection

- Press "Create Hotspot" button

Portable WiFi Hotspot : WiFi Tether(圖3)-速報App

- Internet sharing notification will show